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National Workers Compensation Provider Network

To find a medical provider in the National Workers Compensation Provider Network go to, choose your desired search criteria and select Coventry Integrated Network from the drop-down menu. You will be able to generate lists of providers as well as determine if a specialty physician is a member of the network.

For employers located in California and Texas, if you participate in another network such as an MPN (Medical Provider Network) or HCN (Health Care Network), select the applicable network from the drop-down menu.

For California, choose the First Health Select CA MPN.
For Texas, choose the Coventry HCN.

If you have any questions regarding these or any other medical panel networks, please contact the Tower MPN Liason at 877-782-3291.

National Workers Compensation Pharmacy Network

To locate a pharmacy in our National Workers Compensation Pharmacy Network click here.  Select the Pharmacy Locator to search for a pharmacy in your geographic area or to determine if your local pharmacy is in the Network.  You can also call PMSI at 1-800-964-2531.  Please be sure to mention that Tower Group Companies provides your workers compensation insurance.

PMSI (tmesys) ‘First Fill’ temporary pharmacy cards should be provided to your injured worker when an accident is reported.  ‘First Fill’ temporary pharmacy cards provide your injured worker with an initial partial dose of physician-prescribed medications, while the claim is being reported and investigated. The ‘First Fill’ pharmacy card is included with your Claims Kit.  They can also be accessed from the Pharmacy Locator screen on the PMSI website.